Saturday, February 27, 2010

Focas group feedback

In lesson we all got together and developed the questions Blaine compiled earlier. we wanted to ask about our production and then we got people to watch it and answer our questions we did this to some individuals but me and Blaine took it too our English group and got the whole class to watch it and then give us feedback. The group of people are majorly the same age as us, 16-17 but there are about three 18-19 year old in our class. This age range would fall into our main target audience as 16-19 year old make up a big percentage of consumers at cinema's so it was good to get their opinion of our OTS and what we received was a range of positive comments and some constructive criticism. We asked a range of open and closed questions because we wanted to acquire feedback upon specific features of the film and what age range and types of places we could play our OTS but we also wanted their own opinions of the production so we added some less guided open questions to receive this.
Here are the questions we asked below:

•What are your first impressions of the film? Did any specific moment stand out to you?

•How tense did the OTS make you feel on a scale of 1 - 10? 10 being the most tense.

•Did you find the ambiguity and mystery of the piece intriguing? Did you feel curious enough to continue watching the film?

•Which character did you feel had the most power?

•Based on what you have seen, who would you recommend the film to? What age-group?

•At what kind of venue would you expect the film to be shown, Art House or Mainstream cinemas?

•How did the film's visual style make you feel? How did this contribute to the overall atmosphere of the film?

•Aside from film-noir, what genre would you classify the film as, based on what you have seen?
To view the footage of the focus group filmed by me and Blaine watch the video below:

Feedback from an english focus group from Tom palmer on Vimeo.

After asking these questions we got some great feedback on the tension that builds throughout and how this tension builds. There were some great comments on the darkness of the film due to the lighting styles and contrasts as well as comments on were they thought the production should be shown in an art house which consist mainly of independent films and artistic films that fill a niche in the market. or more mainstream cinemas such as ODEAN or VUE which have multi-million dollar productions consisting of play lists of about 10 different films to choose from with a range of genres and famous actors.

This focus group gave us some vital knowledge in the understanding of our target audience and enforced our confidence that we had for filled the needs of the consumers. As well as this source of feedback I also constructed a questionnaire and gave this out to multiple people to fill in and received feedback through this medium, (this can be seen on a previous post follow this link) Also we asked individual people the questions above and filmed their responses to the film and answers to the questions. Video below:

Media Production Interviews from James Wigger on Vimeo.

James and Dan have also posted our OTS on three websites,, and these three websites enable the viewer's to watch the film and write their own comments on it which we can then analyse later. Lastly the final piece of feedback we will acquire is another focus group which we will ask the same questions and record these to then be analysed later, this will be done by Blaine, James and Dan as unfortunately I couldn't make it. But you can watch the video bellow:

Year 11 Audience Feedback from James Wigger on Vimeo.

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