Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Continuity funny blooper images

I was sent an email yesterday with some funny still images from some well known movies regarding continuity bloopers and because this is one of the main concepts that I have studied I thought I would share them with you all and add some funny capthions..well I thought so..

"Can anyone find my walki talki, I seem to have missplaced it"

I didnt know they had planes in 1200BC

"Arg captin, I can see JJB in my telescope can I stop off and get a new bandana"

Hey Don't shoot, Don't shoot (ow you havnt got your finger on the trigger) RUUUUUN!!!


  1. Nice idea Tom, will link to the continuity.

  2. The plane in Troy is interesting, I wonder how many times they re-shoot because of things like that, or whether they usually go through and remove them all afterwards frame by frame, but missed this one.
