Thursday, April 29, 2010

Media evaluation prezi and evaluation presentation

My evaluation was completed on this was a new website introduced to me by my media teacher when she sprung the task of completing our evaluation in the form of a presentation on this website rather than in a written format but before we were all aware of this me and my group had already decided to do an evaluation presentation with us all talking about different points throughout the course and what we learned and how things have influenced us when making our product so we all had written short points that we would talk about and did this as well as the prezi presentation to make sure we got our points across and answered the questions given to us at the beginning of the course.
At first I was disappointed that we were not doing a written evaluation but once I got on the website and started making my prezi I found the website really good and was pleased that we were now doing our evaluations in a different form rather than just one long essay.
To view my evaluation prezi you can go through it bellow by clicking the arrows at the bottom of the prezi but i would recommend that you follow the link below to the proper website to enable you to view my prezi full screen.

Our evaluation presentation is in the video bellow and if you want to see my notes that I constructed to clarify anything I said or may have missed out feel free to follow the link bellow:

Untitled from Tom palmer on Vimeo.

I couldnt title the video because the website, Vimeo was having technical difficulties for the last two weeks but I managed to upload it. Its Our Evaluation presentation.

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