Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Sound makes or breaks a film

Sound is crutial within a film. There are many different factors that can make or break a film and sound is one of these. There are three main types of sound that we will include in our production, these consist of.

Ambient sound: formally known as sound included on camera, environmental sound. These can be sounds such as birds tweeting, trees swaying in the wind and airoplanes flying over. All these sounds help to add realism to the film but are not always wanted.

Non-digetic sound: These are sounds that are added on after filming such as a voice over commentary of the narrator or a charracter monologue. Mood music can also be added on afterwards to build tenshion or create and build an atmosphere wheather it be scary, romantic or sorrow. The use of mood sound can create many different atmospheres and can have a huge impact on the way the a scene is portrayed to the consumer. The use of no sound can also creat different atmospheres such as secularisation and can aslo build tension or heighten the intensity of a particular scene.

Digetic sound: These are sounds that are included on camera such as charrachter speech, music played through a charrachters radio and subtle sounds made by the charracters with props, such as the siliding of a chair from under a table, or the click of a gun. These sounds can also be known as incidental sounds.
These sounds are just a small number of the type of sounds films inlude but as our production has no multi million pound investment, we have to stick to very simple techniques, but this can still create a great realistic film. An example could be the blair witch project,this is a very succesfull film and was produced with a very small budget.
Although we have a small budget we have assces to great video editing software: Imovie and sony vegas pro. This will enable us to include sound effects but we are limited to sounds we can create and sounds included on the software, for example a sound effect to signifier a transition in time,This is the main sound effect that we want to use becasue our extract includes flashbacks so a wooosh with a flash can create this trasition in time and the wooosh will act as a sound bridge from scene to scene. we can also include mood music to build tenshion as the protagonist runs away from the antagonist and we can include a voice over.

We need to get the filming right first time because we have limited time and we donot have the option of ADR which Profesinal production companies do. ADR stands for 'Automated' or 'Atomatic' Diologue replacement this is done after filming were charracters speech can be edited if needed. For an example how this is done view the clip below which shows how ADR is included in the making of King Kong.

Sound within a film is crutial to its success and we need to make sure that it flows with the narrative, fits in with the continuity and builds tension within the audience that sends shivers down their spines.

For more research on sound and many different types of sound production companies use visit the website bellow. This includes a sound glossery which i found very helfull when researching for how we can include sound in our production.
Sound research:

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